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Transition to Renewable Energy Proves to be Reliable and Economic, Debunking Myths

Foto do escritor: Energy Channel USEnergy Channel US

By Daniel Lima - Economist

Recently, experts published a revealing study that refutes criticisms against the global transition to clean and renewable electricity. The research, conducted by Mark Z. Jacobson (Stanford University), Mark A. Delucchi (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), Daniel J. Sambor (Andreas Mühlbauer Center for Transport Sustainability Research), and Yuanbei F. Fan (University of California), demonstrated that energy grids dominated by wind and solar sources can be extremely efficient and reliable without increasing the use of thermal power plants or causing blackouts.

Transition to Renewable Energy Proves to be Reliable and Economic, Debunking Myths
Transition to Renewable Energy Proves to be Reliable and Economic, Debunking Myths

Study Results in California

- Grid Performance (Mar-Jun 2024): During 98 out of 116 days, California's grid operated by CAISO provided 100% to 162% of energy demand from renewable sources. This included a continuous period of 55 days.

- Reduction in Fossil Gas Usage: Compared to 2023, solar, wind, and battery energy production increased significantly (31%, 8%, and 105%, respectively), resulting in a 40% reduction in fossil gas usage. Batteries transferred excess solar energy to the night, covering up to 12% of nighttime demand.

- Lower Prices: U.S. states that utilize solar, wind, and hydropower experience lower electricity prices.

Policies and Future Goals:

In 2018, California passed a bill that sets ambitious goals for the energy transition:

- 50% of electricity sales by 2026 from renewable sources.

- 60% by 2030 and 100% by 2045 from renewable energies and zero-carbon resources.

The "eligible renewable energies" include wind, solar, geothermal, small hydropower plants, among others, while zero-carbon resources mainly refer to large hydropower plants.

Feasibility and Benefits of the Transition

Modeling studies indicate that nearly all countries can adopt reliable and low-cost electric systems powered by 100% clean and renewable energy, with large shares of wind and solar energy. The energy transition benefits from:

- Expansion of solar and wind energy.

- Combination of complementary resources such as hydropower and batteries.

- Expansion of transmission and distribution systems.

- Effective demand management.

These findings debunk the myths that the transition to clean energy sources would increase reliance on thermal power plants and cause blackouts. The shift is not only feasible but also beneficial from a technical, economic, and climate perspective.

Link to the study:

Transition to Renewable Energy Proves to be Reliable and Economic, Debunking Myths

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